- Rental Assistance
- Landlords & Property Owners
- Understand How Subsidy Works
Understand How Subsidy Works
The Housing Choice Voucher Program offers an opportunity for property owners and landlords to earn secure income. If you are a landlord, building manager or real estate professional, you can expand your selection of renters by partnering with New Hampshire Housing.
If you are interested in renting to a tenant who participates in this program, contact us at 800.439.7247 and ask to speak to the Rental Assistance Manager for your area. LEARN MORE about how you can participate in the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
After a family’s subsidy is determined, you will receive the subsidy directly from New Hampshire Housing as a Housing Assistant Payment on behalf of the tenant. The balance of the rent is due from the family.
Tenant selection is made by the owner/landlord. You are encouraged to consider a family’s background, including factors like payment of rent and utility bills, caring for a unit, respecting the rights of others, criminal activity, and compliance with other conditions of tenancy.
When you have selected a tenant, they will give you a Request for Tenancy Approval, W9 Form, and Electronic Transfer Form for you to complete. When the owner/landlord submits the forms to New Hampshire Housing, the Rental Assistance Manager/Inspector will determine if the tenant is eligible for the unit financially (40% of their income calculation). Once that calculation works, the Rental Assistance Inspector will contact you to schedule an inspection.
- The unit must meet HUD Housing Quality Standards.
- The rent must meet rent reasonableness guidelines.
- Initially, the family cannot pay more than 40% of their monthly adjusted income for housing costs (Therefore, the prospective tenant’s income must be calculated before a rental unit can be approved).
Contact New Hampshire Housing and speak to the Rental Assistance Manager for your area. They will let voucher holders know of the available unit. You may also advertise with the phrase “will accept Housing Choice Vouchers.” Families look for those listings. In addition, New Hampshire Housing provides a list of apartments for rent through landlords who are willing to participate in the Housing Choice Voucher program.
If you would like to submit a unit to be added to the Vacant Unit List, click here.
Below are forms and information related to our project-specific housing programs.
Project Based Voucher
Program Information for Owners
Eligibility Checklist
Vacancy Claim
Final Rule
Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 – Final Rule (Project Based Voucher)
HERA Final Rule
HUD published an extensive final rule implementing significant reforms to the Section 8 Tenant-Based Voucher and Project-Based Voucher (PBV) programs enacted as part of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA). The final rule is effective as of July 25, 2014.
Moderate Rehabilitation
Program Information for Owners
Eligibility Checklist
Claim Form
Claim Information for Owners
Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 – Final Rule (Moderate Rehab)
Both Programs
Citizenship Declaration Form
New Hampshire Housing Release
HUD 9886 Form
Marketing Personal Declaration Form
HUD-52675 – Debts Owed
Criminal Release Instructions
State of NH Criminal Release
Out of State Criminal Release
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Fraud Reporting
Housing Assistance Program (HAP) Contract
HUD Tenancy Addendum
Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Verification of Eligibility
Marketing Declaration Form
Request for Tenancy Approval
Violence Against Women Act Certification Form (HUD 500006)
Violence Against Women Act Owner’s Emergency Transfer Plan
Violence Against Women Act Owner’s Notice
W-9 Form
Change of Ownership Instructions
Fair Market Rents
Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan
Moderate Rehabilitation Handbook
Owner’s Information Handbook
Payment Standards Listed by Town
Public Housing Authority Plan
Utility Allowance
Please contact us if you have any questions or need assistance.
Landlord Partnership
Thousands of property owners in New Hampshire are Housing Choice Voucher Program landlords. This program provides needed housing for thousands of families. Thank you to Tom (pictured above) and the 1,800 property owners and landlords around the state who participate in the Housing Choice Voucher Program. It’s because of our partnership that over 7,000 people have a warm and safe place to live.