- Rental Assistance
- Landlords & Property Owners
- Project-Based Vouchers and Moderate Rehabilitation
Project-Based Vouchers and Moderate Rehabilitation
The Moderate Rehabilitation Program (Mod Rehab) provides project-based rental assistance for low-income families (low-income families have income below 50% of the average median, and very low-income families have income below 80% of the average median income). New Hampshire Housing works with the following Mod Rehab housing developments around the state:
Mod Rehab Property | Town |
Parkhurst Place | Amherst |
Sandy Ledge | Belmont |
Notre Dame Senior Housing | Berlin |
Newfound River Apartments | Bristol |
Goddard Block | Claremont |
Green St Residences | Concord |
Penacook Landing | Concord |
Willow Crossing | Concord |
Conway Pines Senior | Conway |
Sherburne Woods | Deerfield |
Belamy Mills | Dover |
Mad River Apartments | Farmington |
Gilford Village Knolls 3 | Gilford |
TheMeadows | Hampton Falls |
Summer Park II | Hanover |
Hinsdale School | Hinsdale |
Friars Court | Hudson |
Westmill Senior Housing | Keene |
Sunrise House | Laconia |
Parkhurst Community Housing | Lebanon |
Upper Valley | Lebanon |
Whittemore Place | Londonderry |
434 Union St | Manchester |
Pelham Terrace | Pelham |
Boulder Point | Plymouth |
Bridge House | Plymouth |
Cottage Senior Housing | Portsmouth |
Academy St Family Housing | Rochester |
Apple Ridge Apt | Rochester |
Arthur Nickless Jr Housing | Rochester |
Brookside Place | Rochester |
Maple St Senior Housing | Somersworth |
West Swanzey Family Housing | Swanzey |
Snow Brook | Winchester |
How To Apply
Individuals who are interested in applying for rental assistance though the Mod Rehab Program should complete a New Hampshire Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Rental Assistance Application.
Eligible families are placed on NHHFA’s HCV and Mod Rehab sub-list. When vacancies occur in Mod Rehab projects, NHHFA refers families for participation from its sub-list to the owners. Owners select families for occupancy according to their tenant selection process.
NHHFA will conduct their screening for eligibility. After approval the family will pay 30% of their adjusted income towards rent. The subsidy is directly linked to the unit, if the family moves, is evicted, or becomes ineligible for the program the subsidy is nontransferable.
Mod Rehab Project Owners
Below are links to documents that will assist in the administration of Mod Rehab projects:
Program Information for Owners
Eligibility Checklist
Admit Memo
Criminal Records Report Verification
Claim Form
Claim Information for Owners
Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 – Final Rule (Moderate Rehab)
A Project Based Voucher (PBV) provides rental assistance for eligible low-income families. The assistance is directly linked to the unit. Following twelve months of occupancy the family may request the right to move with a voucher for tenant based rental assistance if funds are available. New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority (NHHFA) works with the following PBV properties around the state:
PBV Property | Town |
Parkhurst Place (Elderly) | Amherst, NH |
Sandy Ledge | Belmont, NH |
Notre Dame Housing (Elderly) | Berlin, NH |
Willow Crossing | Concord and Penacook, NH |
Conway Senior Pines (Elderly) | Conway, NH |
Sherburne Woods (Elderly) | Deerfield, NH |
Bellamy Mill | Dover, NH |
Mad River Apartments | Farmington, NH |
The Meadows (Elderly) | Hampton Falls, NH |
Cheshire Housing Trust | Hinsdale, NH |
Westmill Senior (Elderly) | Keene, NH |
Sunrise House (Elderly) | Laconia, NH |
Parkhurst Community Housing | Lebanon, NH |
Upper Valley Transitional | Lebanon and Enfield, NH |
Pelham Terrace (Elderly) | Pelham, NH |
Brookside Place | Rochester, NH |
Arthur H. Nickless Jr. Housing (Elderly) | Rochester, NH |
West Swanzey Family Housing | West Swanzey, NH |
Snow Brook | Winchester, NH |
How To Apply
Individuals who are interested in applying for rental assistance though the PBV Program should complete a New Hampshire Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Rental Assistance Application.
Eligible families are placed on NHHFA’s HCV and PBV sub-list. When vacancies occur in a PBV project, the owner will notify families from the sub-list. Owners select families for occupancy according to their tenant selection process.
NHHFA will conduct their screening for eligibility. After approval the family will pay 30% of their adjusted income towards rent.
PBV Project Owners
Below are links to documents that will assist in the administration of PBV properties:
Program Information for Owners
PBV Eligibility Packet
Vacancy Claim
Final Rule
After owner’s tenant selection process has been completed the following documents will be required:
Citizenship Declaration Form
New Hampshire Housing Release
HUD 9886 Form
HUD-52675 – Debts Owed
Criminal Release Instructions