HUD Limits & Consolidated Plan

HUD Rent & Income Limits

We have made available HUD’s limits and allowances for its various housing programs. This data is used to determine a family or individual’s eligibility for federally subsidized housing based on median area income and household size. 

HUD Fair Market Rents – Effective 10/1/2024


View the list of towns by HMFA area:

HUD Median Family Incomes

Consolidated Plan

New Hampshire’s Consolidated Plan is developed by the Housing and Community Development Planning Council. The Council, established by Executive Order 97-3, is responsible for developing all components of New Hampshire’s Consolidated Plan. There are four major components in the Consolidated Plan: Housing Market Analysis, Analysis of Needs, Strategic Plan, and Action Plan.

A Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) is generated after the end of each Program Year to report each year’s accomplishments to HUD and the public. An Annual Action Plan is generated before the beginning of every Program Year to inform HUD and the public about the intended activities for which these federal funds will be used in the coming year.  New Hampshire’s Program Year is concurrent with the state fiscal year, beginning on July 1st.