- Housing Partners
- Workforce Housing
- Accessory Dwelling Units
- Resources
- Grant Opportunities
- Housing Challenges & Solutions
- Resources
2014 Housing Needs and Preferences Study: Conducted by the New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies and Applied Economic Research, the study gauged the amount and type of housing needed over the next 10 years, as well as identified the impact demographic and market trends are having on housing in the Granite State. The study is made up of three parts: (1) housing perceptions and preferences; (2) housing options for the state’s growing senior population; and (3) the future of housing in New Hampshire.
Housing and Demographic Data for New Hampshire: NHHFA maintains databases on demographic and housing data for various geographies within New Hampshire as well as statewide information.
School Enrollment Studies (2012): Russ Thibeault of Applied Economic Research wrote a series of reports examining the connections between school enrollment generation and new housing development in New Hampshire (2004-2012).
- New Residential Development and School Enrollment: Just the Facts (2004)
- Housing and School Enrollment in New Hampshire: An Expanded View (2005)
- 2000-2010- A Decade of Dramatic Change (2012) Summary
- 2000-2010- A Decade of Dramatic Change (2012) Slides
- 2000-2010 – A Decade of Dramatic Change (2012) Appendix
- Accessory Dwelling Units information and resources about accessory dwelling units and the New Hampshire ADU law.
- Housing Solutions Handbook offers tools and techniques, such as sample municipal regulations, that demonstrate methods for communities to provide for affordable and workforce housing development opportunities. It also highlights a number of successful efforts. Funding for Housing Solutions for New Hampshire was provided by New Hampshire Housing and contributions from Fannie Mae and the Northern New England Housing Investment Fund.
- Innovative Land Use Planning Techniques Handbook includes sections dealing with development density, environmental characteristics, and site level design. Each of the 23 chapters includes model ordinances and regulations for use by municipalities interested in implementing the innovative land use techniques.
- New Hampshire Office of Strategic Initiatives provides planning resources; presents annual planning and zoning training for volunteer and professional planners; and manages the Plan Link listserv.
- Plan NH is an organization created to foster excellence in planning and design and development of New Hampshire’s built environment. Joint initiatives between NHHFA and Plan NH include the Municipal Technical Assistance Grant Program.
- Municipal Land Use Regulation Survey Results
New Hampshire Housing has created two versions of a model ordinance for long-term affordability of ownership housing. Unlike other models, it is based on the principle that the owner-occupants of affordable housing should benefit from increases in the value of the home.
- Subsidy Retention Model Ordinance – Complete contains all necessary provisions for implementation.
- Subsidy Retention Model Ordinance – Short Form is a simplified version that can be supplemented by planning board regulations and conditions of approval on developments to accomplish the same result.
Below are some useful links that explore ways to communicate messaging about housing.
Where We Live, the Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast’s virtual art gallery celebrating the places we call home.
“Get the Facts About Workforce Housing”, the Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast’s Fact Sheet.
Action Media provides strategic communication services to people working for positive social change.
Frameworks Institute goal is to advance the nonprofit sector’s communications capacity by identifying, translating, and modeling relevant scholarly research to frame the public discourse on social problems.
- Piecing It Together is a framing playbook for affordable housing advocates.
- You Don’t Have To Live Here – why housing messages are backfiring and 10 things we can do about it.
National Housing Conference brings the housing community together to cultivate and advance best practices, share ideas and objectively advocate for effective affordable housing policy. A good source for reports, publications, communications and policy tools.
- New Hampshire Department of Employment Security Community Profiles provides information on the 234 incorporated cities and towns in the State of New Hampshire.
- New Hampshire Department of Employment Security: Economic and Labor Market Information gathers data on employment and wages in NH and provides employment projections.
- School Enrollment Data provides current and historical data on enrollment and attendance of New Hampshire Schools.
- Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy at Northeastern University is a resource for data and publications that address a wide range of issues facing cities, towns, and suburbs.
- Enterprise Community is a housing organization with expertise in impact capital, innovative solutions on the ground and public policy.
- Housing Action NH fosters and coordinates alliances to advocate for strong public investments and policies that preserve and increase the supply of housing that is affordable to NH’s low-income residents.
- Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University helps leaders in government, business, and the civic sectors make decisions that effectively address the needs of cities and communities. A good source for reports and publications.
- Lincoln Institute of Land Policy researches and recommends creative approaches to land as a solution to economic, social, and environmental challenges.
- National Housing Conference brings the housing community together to cultivate and advance best practices, share ideas and objectively advocate for effective affordable housing policy. A good source for reports, publications, communications and policy tools.
- Pew Research is a resource for research on a variety of topics
- Strong Towns is an international movement dedicated to making communities across the United States and Canada financially strong and resilient.
- Urban Land Institute provides leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining thriving communities worldwide.
- Terwilliger Center at ULI – the Center integrates ULI’s wide-ranging housing activities into a program of work that furthers the development of mixed-income communities with a range of housing options.
Community Planning / Compact Design Videos
Three videos that discuss thoughtful land use planning and community development in the towns of Exeter, Jaffrey and Meredith.
Communities and Consequences
A 60-minute video (with an accompanying book) produced by Peter Francese, Lorraine Stuart Merrill and Jay Childs in 2008 that explores the effect of land use planning on New Hampshire’s demographics and economy. Watch the video.
Communities and Consequences II: Rebalancing New Hampshire’s Human Ecology is a sequel project to 2008’s award-winning Communities and Consequences: The Unbalancing of New Hampshire’s Human Ecology. This timely new film, book, web, and community outreach project explores the economic and social realities of workforce shortages in our state – the nation’s second oldest state in terms of median age. Watch the video.
Housing terminology can be confusing.
Click here for definitions of commonly used terms