Resources for Homeowners

Understanding your options may help you find the best solution to your housing needs. A housing counselor can assist, and staying up to date on current programs and issues may also be helpful. Below is a list of useful resources:

  • 2-1-1– If you are at risk of foreclosure or are having difficulty paying your home mortgage, utilities, home insurance, or property taxes, call 2-1-1.
  • Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) – The CFPB provides information to help consumers understand the terms of agreements with financial companies. They also work to make regulations and guidance as clear as possible for providers of financial products and services.
  • Freddie Mac Loan Look-Up Tool – A quick, secure way to check if Freddie Mac owns your mortgage.
  • Know Your Options – Offers resources on housing education and information, including a search feature to find out if Fannie Mae owns your loan.
  • Loan Modification Scam Alert – Highlights common scams homeowners need to be aware of.
  • Prevent Loan Scams – Part of the National Mortgage Settlement, this resource helps homeowners understand what counseling and legal resources are available in their state.
  • Counseling Services – A housing counselor can assist you through the process of avoiding foreclosure. Counselors offer guidance, but it is a collaborative process where the homeowner plays an equal role.
  • Community Action Partnership of NH (CAP):  CAP agencies provide a range of services including housing assistance, food, weatherization, child care, energy assistance, and more.