Request for Letters of Information: Opioid Use Disorder Supportive Housing Capital Program Development Project Descriptions

August 12, 2024

New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority (NH Housing) seeks Letters of Information for
prospective supportive housing development project descriptions for its Opioid Use Disorder
Supportive Housing Capital Program (the Program). The purpose of this Request for Letters of
Information (RFLI) is to gather information from potential project sponsors and community
stakeholders on the characteristics of development projects to be funded through the Program.
The information will be used to inform the Program design.

Important Note: NH Housing is in the early stage of establishing the Program. Sufficient time will be
needed to solicit and consider community and stakeholder input on the Program design. Therefore,
this RFLI does not represent availability of Program funding at this time.

Release Date: Monday, August 12, 2024
Response Deadline: Friday, August 30, 2024
UPDATE: Deadline has been extended to Friday, September 13, 2024

Read the full Request for Letters of Information: Opioid Use Disorder Supportive Housing Capital Program Development Project Descriptions