2024 Residential Rental Cost Survey Report Released

August 15, 2024

New Hampshire Housing’s annual statewide survey of market-rate apartments provides a comprehensive view of the Granite State’s rental market. Our survey has captured the status of the rental housing market for more than 40 years, and serves as an important reference tool for researchers, decision-makers, property owners, and the public.

The 2024 Residential Rental Cost Survey gathered responses from the owners of 18,512 market-rate (unsubsidized) rental housing units, or 12% of all units statewide. According to the report, to afford the statewide median cost of a typical 2-bedroom apartment with utilities, a New Hampshire renter would have to earn 156% of the estimated statewide median renter income, or over $73,000 a year.

See page 3 for the report’s Executive Summary by Rob Dapice, New Hampshire Housing’s Executive Director/CEO.