Accessory Dwelling Units Made Easy – 6/17/23

June 17, 2023 | 10:00am - 12:00pm

Venue : Peterborough Town Library 1833 Room 2 Concord Street

How to Add a Small, Secondary Home to Your Property

Join this special panel discussion featuring a range of speakers to cover the in’s and out’s of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) followed by a Q&A session. Each participant will receive a folder chockful of information on how to add a small, secondary home to your property. Topics covered include:

  • What is an ADU – presented by Peterborough Town Planner Danica Melone
  • How do I build an ADU – presented by local builders
  • True stories of ADUs – hear from local ADU owners and occupants
  • How to finance an ADU – featuring expert staff from Bar Harbor Bank & Trust

This panel discussion will run for two sessions in effort to accommodate more schedules. Please select the date which works best for you.

Each session will offer refreshments and free raffle for two books:

  • Communities & Consequences II: Rebalancing New Hampshire’s Human Ecology by Peter Francese & Lorraine Stuart Merrill
  • Backdoor Revolution: The Definitive Guide to ADU Development by Kol Peterson

This event is hosted by the Office of Planning & Building in collaboration with the Peterborough Affordable Housing Committee, with generous sponsorship from AARP New Hampshire and New Hampshire Housing.

